

pyds.parse(byte_string) Return a Label parsed from byte_string.

Abstract Base Classes

pyds.Statements Base class for a sequence of PDS statements.
pyds.Statement Base class for PDS statements.
pyds.Value Base class for PDS value types.
pyds.Scalar Base class for PDS scalar value types.
pyds.Numeric Base class for PDS numeric value types.


pyds.Label(*statements) Represents a PDS label.
pyds.GroupStatements(*statements) Container for statements of a PDS group statement.
pyds.ObjectStatements(*statements) Container for statements of a PDS object statement.
pyds.Attribute(identifier, value[, ...]) Represents a PDS attribute assignment statement.
pyds.Group(identifier, group_statements[, ...]) Represents a PDS group statement.
pyds.Object(identifier, object_statements[, ...]) Represents a PDS object statement.
pyds.Units(expression[, validate]) Represents a PDS units expression.
pyds.Integer(value[, units]) Represents a PDS integer value.
pyds.BasedInteger(radix, digits[, units]) Represents a PDS based integer value.
pyds.Real(value[, units]) Represents a PDS real value.
pyds.Date(year, month, day) Represents a PDS date value.
pyds.Time(hour, minute[, second, utc, ...]) Represents a PDS time value.
pyds.DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute) Represents a PDS date-time value.
pyds.Text(value[, validate]) Represents a PDS text value.
pyds.Symbol(value[, validate]) Represents a PDS symbol value.
pyds.Identifier(value[, validate]) Represents a PDS identifier value.
pyds.Set(*values) Represents a PDS set value.
pyds.Sequence1D(*values) Represents a 1D PDS sequence value.
pyds.Sequence2D(*values) Represents a 2D PDS sequence value.


pyds.ParsingError An exception raised if there is an error parsing a string into one of the objects representing a PDS construct.